The Van Pool provides specialized portable labortories for deployment Academic Research Fleet. Funding for operating these shared-use facilities is provided by the National Science Foundation and daily usage charges. More information on the types of laboratory vans avalable and scheduling can be found on the web site .
Types Of Portable Laboratories
- Dry Labs
This type of lab is set up to fill most extra laboratory space requirements. The labs include modular lab benches. The benches include a sink module and a fume hood module. These can be arranged to meet the mission requirements.
- Wet Labs
This type of lab focuses on the need for wet area laboratory space. To support the wet requirements bigger drains and water resiatanit electrics have been added. The remainder of the lab is setup similar to the Dry Labss.
- Isotope Labs
This type of lab focuses on isotope laboratory requirements. To support the isotope requirements, each Isotope lab includes a LSC module. The remainder of the lab is setup similar to the Dry Labs.
- Cold Labs
This type of lab meets the specialized requirements for a cold laboratory. There are two refrigerator units to provide cooling for both the lab space and makeup air for the fume hood. Due to the large equipment require performing this task, there is less laboratory bench space. The unit includes a sink bench, a fume hood bench, and two small benches.
- Clean Labs
This type of lab meets the specialized requirements for a clean laboratory. There is a air filtration unit to provide clean air for the clean lab space. Due to the large equipment require performing this task, there is less laboratory bench space. The unit includes a sink bench, and two large clean benches.
- AUV Labs
This type of lab focuses on the need for AUV/Drifter/ROV support laboratory. To support the AUV/Drifter/ROV support requirements the van was divided into areas. One elctronics (computer) area and a support shop area. The remainder of the lab is setup similar to the Dry Labss.
How to Schedule a Support Van
Determine if you will use the UNOLS East Coast Van Pool or the UNOLS West Coast Van Pool. If you will use the UNOLS West Coast Van Pool use this link UNOLS West Coast Van Pool to see their Schedules. If you are using a UNOLS East Coast Portable Van lab, select the lab you require from the sidebar. On the lab page you will find schedules select the "Schedule CY" for the current year and "Schedule CY+1" for the next year. Check dates on the selected schedule for availability. After determining availability or if you have any questions contact Timothy W. Deering for the UECVP and Roberta Mesa for the UNOLS West Coast Van Pool