From time to time certain projects are required to ensure science is receiving the best support possible from the UNOLS Van Pool operations.
- Cold Van Testing
This project was in response to science have difficulty in the cold vans maintaining desired operational temperature during science research cruises. The project will examine the existing cold van specification, devise a testing procedure, complete these tests, and make recommendations. Further testing and recommendations may follow until a suitable solution to cold van operations parameters for science requirements are met.
- Aluminum Van CSC
This project is to examine the possibility of obtaining a CSC for the Aluminum built vans. The Steel constructed van currently have these certifications the aluminum constructed vans do not. This certification determines if and where in a stack of containers a commercial carrier can place a container.
- Van Specification Rewrite
This project will re-examine the current building specifications for the purpose of updating and simplifying. Over the years there have been several improvements made in the designs and building of the portable lab vans.
- Van Locations aboard the USCGC HEALY
Several vans have been damaged in the harsh environments that the USCG M/V HEALY operates. This project was started to examine this issue with a look at options at where to expand the van carrying capacity without placing the vans in risk.